Do you play guitar? Theory too hard? Play 7 modes NOW! in Glens Falls, New York For Sale
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private. GUITAR PLAYERS--does learning theory scare you? Play in 7 modes-NOW!
This method allows you to play the modes by simply using ONLY ONE finger pattern that you probably already know. I tell you how to place it- counting a few frets up or down the neck and going across all six strings. I have been using this method for over twenty years now. It?s fool-proof and always works. Never hit a wrong note again. For electric or acoustic guitar and four string bass. Cannot be adapted to other instruments like keyboard or sax. I developed this method and registered the copyright in xxxx.
Play in:
LOCRIAN modes in any key!
You do not need to know ANY theory at all. This will open the door for your advancement in a very big way. Only $10.00; no shipping. E-mail me for more info. Ask about my ?risk-free payment system.?
From Modes Method users:
Hi Dan, your mode lesson came and I?m very excited about it, very clever of you to come up with this system! I knew just by reading it before picking up my guitar that it will help a lot, it goes well with the basic theory I already know and I?m getting the results I?m looking for. I want to get a looping device box next so I can have the backing track like you mentioned, I will use a tape recorder until then. I?m so glad to be finally breaking out of pentatonic prison! Thanks again for your advice Dan! --Doug
Thanks, Thanks Thanks Dan, you turned the light on for me. I think this really will give me what I want. I'm trying hard to become a good improviser. That is why your method is like a blessing from heaven to me. And I feel it will help me to reach another plateau in my guitar playing. --Don
Nice approach! I see all the patterns now under whatever chord I'm playing! Nice and simple! Thanks! --Dennis
This is really cool- a pure pattern-based concept for modes that I didn?t know about. For me modes were always an exotic idea that I couldn?t learn yet. I appreciate you sending this to me. Worth more than $12- happy playing! Thanks, Justin.
Thank you for this excellent insight. It has helped me greatly to improvise, compose, just express myself in general?I now have what feels like limitless ideas. Thanks, Mike
Hello Dan, I would like to tell you that as soon as I found your letter I opened it and read over the Modes Method without my guitar in hand. Truly, a bright flicker of light came on in just one reading?.I can assure you that even after only one reading I can tell that this is going to set me on the right path in releasing me from the bondage of being stuck in a rut. I?ve been in bands, played hundreds of gigs and done some recordings. I can?t wait to get started. This is going to expand my abilities ten-fold. I can see a new world opening up for me as a guitarist as well as on the bass. I?m convinced that the next time my friends and I get together in the basement they?ll notice some new licks coming out of my guitar and an old guy much more excited to play than the last time we met. --Dave
Hey Dan, got the Modes Method today. It is very well written and to the point. --Thanx, John
After years of playing by ear I FINALLY understand modes! And finally understand how players can play the primary scale fingering at the 10th fret over an A minor bed. Never thought it could be that simple! Guess I thought it was more difficult than that...or maybe it was just the way you explained it; in a 'modes for dummies' kinda format; You rock?Thanks! Customer for life! Mike
Hey Dan, I?m sending $20. It's not much. It is more than you were asking -which is my way of saying thank you. I have a ton of books and DVD's, etc.,... lesson's with tab galore. Drums and guitar, bass,.. Yours is the best idea, an advance leap into guitar, or as one of your user's said, free of the pentatonic scale!!! Thank you! -Steve
Had a little time to scratch the surface with your method....very cool! Haven't spent a lot of time yet, just running a few loops in A and transitioning some loose jams over it, moving the primary around. Nice! It's definitely opened some doors for me. I think I'll get out of the Pentatonic rut in no time! -Tom
Dan the man, thanks so much for that secret; I've been waiting for that for years. It took me a minute to understand what you were saying, but then it happened. I always new there was something to the 5 fret difference in octave, but didn?t know how to use it. I've already started making new licks. Whole new door opened for years of playing without being bored or stuck. Thanks again- money?s in the mail as of today. Its worth more than your charging, for sure. --Dave
So far, so good. I half expected this to be a scam or some useless lesson that I could have figured out on my own. I was wrong. It is actually very useful and I was surprised at its simplicity. For someone like myself, it works very well and was worth the money I spent. Thanks again---Joe
When I first looked at your explanation, I thought to myself, there is no way it is this easy; then I started playing different scales based on your theory-and it actually works. I?m impressed. -Josh
Your method has been very helpful as well as fun to apply. It has helped me to expand, augment my walking jazz approach. Thanks again, keep in touch. --James
The money I spent on the Modes Method was worth far more than I paid for it. Although I?ve never been one to spend much on books or other lessons or methods I can say without a doubt?what I received for this small amount of cash far surpasses every other purchase I ever made toward trying to get out my pentatonic rut and expanding my guitar freedom. In fact, considering the full-blown freedom I?m experiencing from so little work to this point it may surpass all the money I?ve ever spent on printed material to help me further my guitar playing. Thanks so much for sharing this simple discovery with the rest of us. --Dave
Hello Dan, I?m doing really well with your mode system. I came across some jam tracks on a cd that I had and have been playing D dorian over the tracks for that mode. I?ve been coming up with some nice licks! I use the primary shape as a starting point and when I move it around to play the other modes of the key using your formula, I can instantly recognize the 5 major scale patterns that I have committed to memory your method has really helped me a lot, I am impressed of the results that I?m getting so far; it created a new sense of excitement towards the guitar, I have been in a musical rut and now I have something new to accomplish! I will be checking in [from] time to time to let you know how it?s progressing; thanks again for your help! Regards, Doug
Hey Dan, I just received the method today. Its great! I spent a long while trying to memorize music theory, but this just made me feel dumb for not thinking of this earlier. thnx a lot dan I?ll send out $12 first thing tomorrow morning. -Eric
I have extended the Modes Method to the entire neck. It?s exactly what my other teacher?was trying to explain to me one day; the major and minor scales together. Your method has brought it full circle. I'm going to be Great one day. Thanks for the help. And reasonable too. -Brian
Hi Dan. I finally got a chance to look at your method. How simple you make it?I'm really getting in to the modes. Your tips are very helpful! Thanks Matt
Hi, payment is sent-a little extra and well worth it. Good stuff, Thanks, Brian
Thanks for sending me your?concept of playing modes. I appreciate your knowledge and your musical interest.. . I've been playing electric Bass for ten plus years; I figured it out; you are sooo Right On. Thanks for all you give; I've been practicing all Sunday Morning and I've just stopped @ 1:45 P.M. " I do think the boy?s got it ! " Thank you again, James.
Just received Modes (Method) yesterday, could not wait to try it out. I?ve used the Method to pick out melodies from songs and build some lead work from there. Thanks, this system has gotten me over the hump first try. --Tom
Sounds good; your honesty is refreshing. Thanks, Mark.
The more I read and study your little method thingy the more it becomes obvious to me. It's almost embarrassing that you can play for x amount of years and overlook little stuff like that. Especially when you?re [already] using that [scale] box all the time. but oh well, now I know. (well I?ve known for a really long time now; now I?m just aware that i know, ha-ha). anyway though man, I appreciate it.
Later- john
The [Modes Method], I?d have to honestly say, did actually help improve my improv skills. I?ve been playing steady and professionally for 25+ years and it really did help.--Thanks, Tom
?Hi Dan, sounds like a deal. Please send the Modes Method and I will send you $12 the next day after I receive it. How can I pass up such a trusting way of doing business. Very refreshing in this day and age. I look forward to learning my modes! --Vincent?
Hey Dan, got the excellent method and your payment is now mailed 1st class. I added a few bucks for doing a great project that I will show young students (including my son!). Great modal method! --Dave
I received your paper today. Good stuff?.I think this is the sort of thing that needs to be taught in the schools ALONG with music theory. I will send the money order with tomorrow's mail. It was worth it.--Solis
How can I pass up such a trusting way of doing business. Very refreshing in this day and age. I look forward to learning my modes! -Vincent
It's very very cool that you do business like this, and as a musician I appreciate it.
Peace, Bob
Dan, just got the info this looks to be well worth the money and great for you to take the time to show your secrets, I have been playing for 20 years and still learning. yours is on its way, this will help!!! Danny
Hi Dan. I'm 58 years old, I've been playing guitar since I'm 14, and I've been stuck in the pentatonic box for well over 42 years. I finally feel like a musician. I've been practicing your method for about a week and I'm doing things I NEVER could before. I just got home from a jam and you were right, you have to hear it with the chords behind it. Thank you so much --Tony
Aha! I've always thought that such a method existed, since the guitar allows the use of repetitive fingering patterns, and the counting of frets idea is fantastic! I will definitely send you the $12 upon receipt of your method! --Carlos
I really like your method its nice and simple.--Brandon
I?ve been using these scale patterns for years, but never made the connection to modes. This has been very useful. --Thanks, Steven.
?You have caught my interest. I have seen your post forever and have spent more on beer! ?.I received your lesson. After sitting down and working with it I began to put the pieces together. I know a little theory and scales. This was kind of the key to putting it all together. Thanks, Bill?
I got it yesterday....Thanks again...its very simple....I already get the process! Thanks, Ryan
It's funny, you play for years and you tend to over look some of the simple things that tie it all together. That?s what your method did for me, just remembering where the root notes are and sliding the modes up or down is a simple thing but you forget that when your thinking about other things going on in the song.
Thanks, Joe
?It arrived to my home Saturday. I just tried recording a minute of varied grooves over a B minor chord. I played the Dorian and Aeolian modes over that. I like this!?.Thanks a lot, --Charles?
I received the Modes Method. I like the way you use the numbering system for your starting position to get to your modes. I know the major scale which you use so this method is real easy to pick up. Thank you. --Mark
?Hi Dan -- just getting into the info -- great concept! -- lots of possibilities ?
Thanks, Don
Thanks--Interesting concept.--Bill
By the way, I really like what you've done. Very easy to pick up. In a couple of weeks, I should be able to apply the info in a live situation when I go to my next rehearsal. Thanks again. Greg
?Dan, got the stuff...I'm working on it. It will be a help and was definitely worth the bucks! --Steve?
Thanks for the righteous info. I have been playing around with it and I can certainly see the potential?.Look forward to growing from your method, thanks again!! Joshua
?Thanks Dan. It seems to be a neat system. I am working into it in my practice now.?--Jeff
Thanks, got this yesterday. It is definitely?beautiful in its simplicity. Thanks again, Steve.
Thanks for the info, works well. You?re right, knowing what notes are in that mode makes it impossible to hit a wrong note. Thanks again -Michael
Thank YOU for YOUR honesty. I?m glad there?s still some honest people left in the world. Good stuff. Tony
I really appreciate your way of doing business with these modes.....Alex
?I had a chance to look it over in the last couple days. It looks so simple. I saw your ad on craigslist and bought your system because I am always looking to improve my playing and hey, it was cheap.? --Mike
Very impressive way of doing business?. I am looking forward to seeing and using the system?.I am an entertainer, work very hard at it and always looking to improve. Daniel, you do business like I do?.Thanks so much, Lance
My name is Tony and your modes method really worked for me.
?I have only spent 1 hour working on the system so far and i can see how this will
help me!!!....Thanks Again Randy?
It makes perfect sense. -David
Thanks, I like this approach....and its easy to modify it....later Curtis
Thank you very much Dan! I've been playing for 40 years pretty much in the rock and roll and blues vein. I?ve always wanted to learn the modes, but frankly my playing was at least to me, decent enough to have been in a few relatively "successful" local bar bands, as a lead guitarist, but I've always known that something was lacking, and knowing modes was one of them. I 'm 52 years old, and my playing has become stagnant. When I saw your posting on Craigslist I was intrigued. I have a Boss looper and I've started to do what was suggested in your tutorial, by just playing these patterns over an A minor, and a couple of other keys, and yes, it absolutely does work. As I'm self taught, I?ve never learned proper theory, and this shortcut will help immensely. Thanks again for the extra help. I'll study this, as time permits. I just needed a little clarification in order to make sure that I was heading in the right direction. Your method is so simple, that I thought I had to be missing something. Peace, Bob
Your service is quick and very well typed and illustrated?.thank you, Joe
Your method really makes sense?.Thanks, Bob
Thanks?I appreciate your guitar methods...Very informative. You rock...Alex
Thanks Dan?.Pleasure doing business w/ you. Dave
Thanks! I look forward to going through the material. I just started working on a new album so I cant wait to learn new things. The guitar is a very mystical thing and is a spiritual instrument for me and the modes really make the experience awesome. Thanks for having a great offer like this!--Jonathan
I read your formula and it looks interesting. I think it may lead to many new ideas and open some doors. thanks, Mark
Hey man I have it and I am putting it to use. Had one of my jam buddies play A and Am then ran the minor pentatonic scale and I see what you mean about ?add two notes?. I feel confident this is going to help me. So Dan, here you have it, - you told me so. Thanks again, Ron
Honesty, indeed. Never seen that before ever. You got it bro. I can promise to send $15. A little bit of a bonus if you'd like. -David
Wow!.....I am speechless. Its sounds way to good to be true. Though it is comforting to know a few good decent people do exist. Thank you, for offering such a incredible service. Gus
Dan, Thanks for the Method! VERY GOOD! -Brian
Hey thanks for the secret; it has opened a huge door in my guitar playing. It?s what I?ve been trying to understand for years. It?s definitely worth more than twelve bucks, so here?s a little more. Thanks again. If you have any more tips you can give, let me know. I?m already getting crazy with new sounds! --David
Dan, thanks, got this yesterday. It is definitely one of those ?duh!? things, beautiful in its simplicity. Thanks again, Steve.
It?s cool you came up with such a great idea ! Hope you can reach a lot of people out there. Maybe I?ll get my chops up to where they should be. Cool, Gary
Thanks again for the flexible payment method. Rich
I really appreciate your explanations. Very clear. Thanks so much for your instruction. Steve
Thank you--Here is $20.00. It?s worth it. Robert
Wow what a refreshing bit of honesty here! I have read the reviews, comments and testimonials. If some one was willing to send you back $20 for a $12 course- then by all means, send it. I believe in this program?just from the responses your product has gotten. Adam
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