Teaching Yourself Guitar? Here's One of My References in Glens Falls, New York For Sale
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.
I spent 10 years buying books, taking video lessons, and even taking one lesson each with 2 or 3 instructors in town, never to return for a 2nd lesson. I gave up on instructors for a while, and then last spring found Bob through his website. To be honest, the only reason I gave him a shot was because he wasn't far from my house!
What I found is this is a good guy, who knows the subject, and most importantly, likes to teach. In about 8 months, Bob took me through the basics, taught me to read music, and truly got me to the point where I really can play anything I want. I have to work at it, but without the foundation Bob gave me, there would be no chance. I now specifically look for music that's in standard notation - I avoid tab because it's easier to read and play music from a sheet of music. If you think this is too complicated to learn, or that all of the instructors in town really only like to hear themselves play, call Bob @ 585-872-xxxx and visit http://home.roadrunner.com/~lessons/
Music instruments in New York for sale
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