Marble Polish And Stone Care Products in Glens Falls, New York For Sale

Type: Tickets & Traveling, For Sale - Private.
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Mold & Mildew Stain Remover
Removes stains Quickly & Safely
Soap Scum Remover
Remover removes soap scum build-up from your tile.
Tile & Grout Cleaner
For regular cleaning of ceramic and porcelain tile and grout.
Video Tips
Marble Showers
Learn how to treat your marble shower properly.
Tile Showers And Tubs
Cleaning your showers and tubs.
Treating Marble Counter Tops
Learn how to properly clean and seal your marble counters.
Granite Restoration Service
Call us today for a FREE estimate.
We are looking for Franchisees!
MARBLELIFE is the largest marble, granite, terrazzo, stone, tile and grout restoration and maintenance service provider, with 50+ offices, more than 150 craftsman, and the ability to service 73% of the North American population. Odds are we have a service provider near you, BUT that said, we are not at 100%, and therefore we are looking for additional franchisees.
Your first thought is “OH NO I AM GOING TO HAVE TO REPLACE IT?” Its chipped or cracked and looks terrible. The good news is we can repair this insitu for substantially less than replacement, and maintain your consistent appearance. What many do not realize is that when working with natural stone such as marble, granite, travertine or limestone even if you get a tile from the same quarry, its color will be different enough that when installed you will recognize mismatched tile. (In fact, if you visit an old hotel you can see this effect on their floors). MARBLELIFE has mastered the art of insitu repairs.
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Let us do the work for you.
Recapture the Elegant Stone, Marble, Tile, Grout, Concrete & Granite Appearance you loved. Relax - Whatever is wrong with your stone, MARBLELIFE is here to help.
Health Benefits Of Removing Shower Mold And Mildew.
Just like every other house in America, there is most likely mildew and mold in the showers. This is something that happens to a lot of people but it seems like very few people actually know what the health risks are of having mold and mildew in the showers. The majority of homeowners will admit that they have no idea how to get rid of the mold and so they just simply let it be. Though this is the common mindset that most people have, it does not necessarily mean that it is the right thing to.
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This is an amazing product. It gets rid of mold and mildew on my marble shower walls and in the grout. It's wonderful. Buy it. You won't be sorry.
Georgia, New Jersey
Contact Us
Service: 888-218-xxxx
Products: 800-627-xxxx
Franchise: 817-235-xxxx |
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